
Precision mold making
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Factors affecting precision tooling and parts processing req
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2014/5/20 19:22:12

Today you want to explain the content is about precision molds, which reads:
1 The main factors affecting the precision mold parts processing what?
2 inserts a needle precision molds parts processing requirements?
Now, Xiao Bian to answer it.

1 The main factors affecting the precision mold parts processing what?
Surface: processing than the inner surface of the outer working surface is easy, and that the surface is regular, easier than the opposite surface of the processing.
Accuracy: improved accuracy will increase the difficulty of making, and is presented to increase geometrically.
Surface roughness: If the surface roughness improved, it will take more time to manufacture because of the step will increase. Therefore, without affecting sometimes be appropriate to reduce its requirements.
Type the number of holes and cavities: the increase in the number would increase the complexity of the shape of the mold, and the difficulty of making molds.
Thermal processing and heat treatment: only affect the production efficiency of each step, but also affects the life of the mold.
2 inserts a needle precision molds parts processing requirements?
Precision mold parts inserts needles processing requirements, mainly concentrated in the toughness, wear resistance, fatigue fracture properties, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, and resistance to thermal fatigue properties, these properties should be better, to prevent mold insert the needle suddenly breaks at work, suited to cold or overheated environment, or other problems.


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